Springtime Cranberry Peach Cocktail

This is hands down my favorite drink to make at home! Its so easy I honestly probably didn’t need to write a whole blog post on it but I wanted you guys to have an easy place to reference it so here we are! I promise to keep this short and sweet and to not talk {write..?} your ear off. Its so simple, its just three ingredients and one of them is OPTIONAL!! Like seriously, so easy and so yummy and it doesn’t really even taste like you are drinking alcohol but boy let me tell you.. you are!

I feel like vodka is at the bottom of most peoples alcohol lists {probably because of college lol} but because I can’t have a lot of alcohols because they contain gluten - I usually reach for vodka rather than tequila. But I think that this combination of ingredients really makes it seem like you aren’t drinking vodka at all.. just trust me! The holy grail of this drink is the juice that you mix it with.. I find it at Walmart, Target.. Market Basket, I pretty much can find it anywhere! But lately I have been ordering the juice from Walmart.com and its like $5.98 for two of them!

I like to make this drink two ways, regular and frozen. I will make it frozen in the summer as a way to cool off! I like to bring it frozen when I go down to our pool in the summers because it will stay cool longer and that means fewer trips to the apartment and more relaxing time!

What you will need for this Cranberry Peach Cocktail:

  • 1-2 shots of vodka

  • Frozen Peach chunks {optional}

  • Ocean Spray White Cranberry Peach Juice

  • Ice

I would absolutely love to know what you guys think of this drink! It is hands down my favorite! But I would also love to know what is your favorite drink?? Dustin’s is a Whiskey Sour and mine is this Cranberry Peach Cocktail! Let me know yours in the comments below! And if you make the drink tag me in stories and I will share it!
