My Current Office Must-Haves

My Current Office Must-Haves

I have been technically working from home for about six years at this point but more recently, like in the last few months I have really been working to create a space in my office that I love being in rather than just a desk, chair, and a computer. With that being said, I don’t have a traditional office job so the things that are in my office might be different from what is in your home office.

1. Multiple Desk Options

With being in the house all the time for work and also for school, I really enjoy having options for where I can do my work. One thing that I have recently added to my office apart from my standard desk is a mobile desk. Dustin got this one for me for Christmas and I find myself working at the mobile one more than my real desk because I can work on the couch, my comfy chair in my office, or really wherever. I will link the mobile desk that I have and a similar option to the regular desk that I have.

2. Many White Board Options

I am a very visual person and like to have things laid out in front of me with tangible lists that I can check off (which honestly makes me feel very accomplished). I have three whiteboards in my office and I use all of them. I have a glass whiteboard where I can get an overview of my day, a whiteboard with a wooden frame (I got it from Home Goods) that I use for a little more long-term thoughts/to-dos, and then a portable whiteboard where I can write down five to-dos for example, cross them off when they are done, and then write five new tasks. All have a purpose but my glass whiteboard and my portable whiteboard are my favorite! For the glass whiteboard, I am still searching for a favorite. But for the other two boards, I use these dry-erase markers and I love them.

3. Chair Selection

I know that I mentioned working pretty much anywhere in my house but the two chairs that I do have in my office are awesome. The comfy chair is a newer addition and has changed the game for my workday! My office chair is something that I have had for a few years and I will link something similar because I can’t find the exact link anymore. I also like this pillow to sit on when I am sitting on my office chair, not necessary but cute and comfy! I do have my eye on those chairs you can cross your legs in though so maybe I will change it up soon! An honorable mention is the pouf that I have in my office that has a few purposes actually. When I am sitting in my comfy chair it is used as a footrest OR an extension of my desk and I end up putting my portable whiteboard on it. It also acts as another chair if someone is in my office talking to me (like a family member, not some guest who should be sitting in a chair), haha more like my husband or sister.

4. Plants, Decor + Personal Touches

I have had an at-home office that was my own since we moved to Florida in 2020 and never really made it mine until recently. I have been working on adding things that make me happy in here like little thrifted trinkets, baskets, tons of plants, cozy curtains, fun pillows, photos of friends and family, artwork and so much more that I finally feel like it is coming together. I think it is important to create a space that is personal to you and somewhere that you want to be and spend time in and that is what I have been working on lately. Not everything is linkable but some things are and I can share those links just in case we have that same boho vibe style that I have curated in my office.

5. Planner

I have a few different planners and many notebooks that I have in my office and use daily. My main planner is from Blue Sky and it is actually a student planner that I use because I can break up all of the categories in my life into the class sections that are in the planner and it has worked so well for me. Aside from that planner I usually just buy whatever type of planner that I like for school, my most recent school planner is from Home Goods, it is the brand Orange Circle Studio. I also love these notebooks from Target for to-do lists and keeping things organized, I also get notebooks and things as gifts and they always get used. I think everyone is going to have a preference when it comes to planners but these are just the ones I like and what works for me.

6. Extras

These are things like my noise-canceling headphones that I love- Dustin’s office is right next to mine and when he is in a meeting sometimes it’s nice to put on my headphones and tune out the noise without worrying about buds staying in my ears or cords being in my way!

Another thing that I love in my office is the organization of items like drawer organizers and different baskets to hide office clutter. In the closet in my office, I have this rolling drawer organizer and it has been so helpful to sort different items that I store in my office.

Lastly, I love these folder organizer-type things for sorting different papers, planners, printing supplies, shipping materials, etc.

Speaking of printers, it is honestly so nice to have one, it isn’t new or fancy but it gets the job done and has lasted us about 8 years without causing too many problems! Honestly, it is so old that I don’t know if they make it anymore but I don’t think a fancy printer is all that necessary, just something that will get the job done.

There are also some other things that I want to look into in the future to upgrade my space even more, I mean I spend a ton of time in here so why not? One thing that I would love to upgrade is an ergonomic keyboard and mouse situation. I think that could be very beneficial to me with typing so much throughout the day. If you have a suggestion for ergonomic-friendly office supplies please comment with the link below or send me an email, I would appreciate it so much! I think it is important to make the space you are in all the time the most comfy and inviting to your personal needs for the most success. I hope you enjoyed reading about some of my current office must-haves, let me know if you have any favorites that I am missing or should look into adding!


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