Gluten Free Chicken Fried Rice

Did you know that today is National Fried Rice Day? I have been meaning to share my recipe with you guys and now I have the perfect reason to! We eat this literally like 3-4 times a month, not exaggerating. It’s so easy and it saves well so if I know that we have busier week then we can plan to have leftovers the following night!

There is a magical happy sauce that MAKES the dish. Lol It’s “Terry Ho’s Yum Yum Sauce the Original”. It’s not new but it’s amazing. I get mine at Target but I will link it here so you know what you are looking for! Like please buy it at Target because its only like $4 there! Also, side note, its not “healthy” by any means but SO SO GOOD. I think you could make it a bit of a healthier dish if you made it with cauliflower rice, but I haven’t tried that.


  1. Cook 1 cup of rice (I use the microwave to cook the rice because its easier/faster)

  2. If you choose to use protein, dice the protein small and season with garlic salt, pepper and salt

  3. Heat butter in the skillet and add frozen veggies

  4. Add cooked rice to the veggies

  5. Add cooked protein and coconut aminos to the skillet

  6. Cook all together until the rice gets some crispy bits

  7. Split into portions and add yum yum sauce as you like

Give this recipe a go and let us know how it goes in the comments!


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