Gluten Free, Charcuterie, Entertaining Emma Jones Gluten Free, Charcuterie, Entertaining Emma Jones

Spring Inspired Charcuterie Board

I felt like it was definitely time for some brighter colors and I am more than ready for spring! I wanted to do a “Spring Inspired Charcuterie Board” to give you some inspiration for future get together. Hey! You could even build something fun like this with your kiddos or spouse and have it for a weekend snack with a drink! It doesn’t need to just be for a big get together. I love that about cheese boards because you can make them as big or as small as you need them to be! They can also be made for any occasion that you have {or don’t have}. I made this a few days back and Dustin and I snacked on it for a couple of days!

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Gluten Free, Dinner, Easy Meals Emma Jones Gluten Free, Dinner, Easy Meals Emma Jones

Gluten Free Chicken Fried Rice

There is a magical happy sauce that MAKES the dish. Lol It’s “Terry Ho’s Yum Yum Sauce the Original”. It’s not new but it’s amazing. I get mine at Target but I will link it here so you know what you are looking for! Like please buy it at Target because its only like $4 there! Also, side note, its not “healthy” by any means but SO SO GOOD. I think you could make it a bit of a healthier dish if you made it with cauliflower rice, but I haven’t tried that.

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Gluten Free Emma Jones Gluten Free Emma Jones

My Go-To Gluten Free Snacks

I am a big snacker! I have snacks throughout the day to tie me over between meals! I won’t make this post too long, its really just a list of the things that I like to have on hand when I am hungry. I should also mention that these aren’t specifically healthy, it’s just the things that I like!

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Gluten Free, Easy Meals Emma Jones Gluten Free, Easy Meals Emma Jones

Gluten Free Frozen Favorites

A few years back when it was the beginning of me not being able to have gluten I was so worried about the lack of some of those more convenient gluten free foods but I have actually found all I could ever want/need in the frozen food department which I am so happy about! In honor of National Frozen Food day I wanted to share all of these great finds that I have collected or found over the last couple of years.

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Easy Meals, Gluten Free, Fall recipies Emma Jones Easy Meals, Gluten Free, Fall recipies Emma Jones

Easy Gluten Free Crockpot Chili

If you know me, you know that I am on a steady diet of chili for lunches pretty much from when the first fall leaf hits the ground until at least Valentine’s Day. I seriously make it in the crock pot on Sundays and eat it every day until Friday! I don’t know how I never get sick of it but I don’t and I’m pretty sure you won’t either!

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