Gluten Free Frozen Favorites

A few years back when it was the beginning of me not being able to have gluten I was so worried about the lack of some of those more convenient gluten free foods but I have actually found all I could ever want/need in the frozen food department which I am so happy about! In honor of National Frozen Food day I wanted to share all of these great finds that I have collected or found over the last couple of years.

Brazi Bites
- these is a newer find for me but they are SO great when you order pizza and want a side. Usually my husband will order breadsticks for himself and I can’t have any but with these we literally pop them in the oven for 20 minutes and they are ready by the time the pizza arrives. They are delish - I will say though I wasn’t a super fan of the cinnamon sugar kind, only the cheese filled bites. I find these at Whole Foods or Costco!

  1. Natures Path Chocolate Chip Frozen Waffles - They are so good, I usually cook two and then put peanut butter and jelly on them and make them into sandwich when I am in a rush to get somewhere. I find them at Target! I also think that these are better than most gf waffles that have chocolate/berries in them - they don’t have a weird after taste.

  2. Chicken Nuggets - I have tried A LOT of gluten free chicken nuggets and I like these two kinds the best. First are the gluten free chicken nuggets from Trader Joe’s, they are yummy and the breading is very good! The others I get from Target and are newer to me, they are the Tyson’s Naturals chicken nuggets and the breading gets so crunchy which I love becuase I will put them on a sandwich or a salad and its so good.

  3. Jasmine Rice - This is from Trader Joe’s and so helpful when you don’t know what to make for dinner. We use this sometimes in our Chicken Fried Rice if we are short on time because it takes like 3 minutes! Here is the link to that Chicken Fried Rice recipe.. Definatly add it into the weekly rotation, you won’t be sorry!

  4. Gluten Free frozen pancakes - These are specifically from Trader Joe’s and holy cannoli they are good! These are also dairy free if that is something that you need as well! Add a little PB and syrup and yum! Speaking of which.. do you eat pancakes with peanut butter?!

  5. Mahi Mahi burgers from Trader Joe’s - We like to get these for dinners. It’s a quick “pull it out of the freezer and cook” type of meal. Add guacamole on top or an aoli if you’re feeling crazy and then eat! The box says it only takes about 6-8 minutes to cook but I would say it takes like 12-15! Serve with French fries and you are set!

  6. Black Bean burgers - They are from the brand Gardein and I get them from Target. Sometimes I can get them on Amazon Fresh but lately they have been sold out or unavailable… so Target it is! I make them for lunch with a bun and dang its so good. It’s a little spicy on its own but I like to add some type of spicy sauce to add to it a bit.

I would love to hear if you have a frozen gluten free favorite food! You can always email me at or comment below!


My Go-To Gluten Free Snacks


Easy Gluten Free Crockpot Chili